Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I do not have it all figured out, but I'm trying. Things tend to get clearer, and then fuzzier and then clearer again. Sometimes I wonder if these fluctuating feelings will always be with me, or if I will grow out of it. Overall though, I do feel like I am gaining perspective. I just have to continue to step back and look at the bigger picture. It can be too easy to get caught up in the small stresses and worries of the day.

We are on the van ride back to Belfast airport. The scenery really is beautiful. It's a grey morning, but the sun was shining brightly on our way in yesterday, lighting up the bright green hills and pastures. All of my trips to the U.K. and Ireland have instilled an even deeper desire in me to really explore this place. I've wanted for so long to discover my Irish roots. I feel like it is some necessary step in becoming who I am. The transitoriness of these layovers frustrate me in a way, but I have to keep looking at the bigger picture; one day I will get more than a glimpse. If I choose too, I can come back and truly discover this place.

Maybe I'll even learn Gaelic, or "Irish," as the Irish say. ;)
Anyway...Even if they have been just glimpses, I have had many wonderful experiences so far. I've seen the sheep grazing in Northern Ireland, I've run into "wild" horses on a walk in Limerick, I've had a Jameson straight from the distillery in Dublin and I've roamed the picturesque town of Bristol in England. My little glimpes into the towns, cities and countries that I am not native of have made my world smaller and given me a window into how the rest of the planet spends their days. What a great blessing I've been given! What an adventure so far...

1 comment:

Cosmictree said...

I find your blog "interesting" (with the positive meaning) and I really like the first paragraph of this post, sounds familiar...

About Me

My photo
Whidbey Island, Washington, United States
These are the tales of some real travels and some that can't really be considered real. The ones that can't really be considered real are the layovers I've had working as a flight attendant. I know that I've been to those places and have had experiences there, but it almost feels more like dream sequences than real life. I've been interested in 'the world out there' since I was a small child. My mother made me realize that 'different' was interesting and everything 'foreign' has intrigued me ever since. At the age of 14 I had my first experience as a world traveler when I went to Osaka, Japan for 2 months to be a nanny. My travels this past year have been much different than that, but every travel, no matter how short, opens your eyes to the world...Here are my stories...