Thursday, August 21, 2008

Neither here, nor there...

What I know: right now I am home. Really home. Finally I made it back to Whidbey Island. My 6 precious days will go by so fast. I am craving cloudy days and coffee shops and walking along the beach!!! Will I get enough of it before I have to go back out into the big, bad, scary world?
Current weather: 60 degrees and partly cloudly. ;) aaaaah, Seattle.

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About Me

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Whidbey Island, Washington, United States
These are the tales of some real travels and some that can't really be considered real. The ones that can't really be considered real are the layovers I've had working as a flight attendant. I know that I've been to those places and have had experiences there, but it almost feels more like dream sequences than real life. I've been interested in 'the world out there' since I was a small child. My mother made me realize that 'different' was interesting and everything 'foreign' has intrigued me ever since. At the age of 14 I had my first experience as a world traveler when I went to Osaka, Japan for 2 months to be a nanny. My travels this past year have been much different than that, but every travel, no matter how short, opens your eyes to the world...Here are my stories...