Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Grey New Jersey

Today is Wednesday, January 7, 2009. I am on call today and hoping and praying that they don't call me for a trip. I wouldn't mind getting out of New Jersey, I never do. ;) But, the weather is nasty, I don't feel good, and I don't feel like driving to the airport...
I am sortof "without place" here in New Jersey. I've officially moved out of the room that I was renting and most all of my belongings have made their way back to Washington through trips back with suitcases or through the post. So, I'm sitting here in my friend's apartment, thinking about my childhood growing up in Washington state. I guess the grey and the rain has something to do with it, or maybe it's the song that's playing from my sister's friend's first demo album (Alissa Moreno-check out her myspace page). This particular song takes me back to the campfires of my youth. I realized that I've had so many campfire experiences, singing campfire songs. Thinking about that feeling and the setting of those experiences, in the dark among tall green trees or on the sand at the ocean, makes me almost cry in happiness that I had a good childhood.
That horrible space-like ring tone that I set for the scheduler's just went off. I swear I have a little heart-attack everytime I hear that sound. One day I'll get to turn my phone off at night's and I'll never have to hear that sound again...But for now, my mood has been ruined, and my life and this blog entry interrupted. At least I get to go to Dublin...Maybe the sun will be shining there?

About Me

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Whidbey Island, Washington, United States
These are the tales of some real travels and some that can't really be considered real. The ones that can't really be considered real are the layovers I've had working as a flight attendant. I know that I've been to those places and have had experiences there, but it almost feels more like dream sequences than real life. I've been interested in 'the world out there' since I was a small child. My mother made me realize that 'different' was interesting and everything 'foreign' has intrigued me ever since. At the age of 14 I had my first experience as a world traveler when I went to Osaka, Japan for 2 months to be a nanny. My travels this past year have been much different than that, but every travel, no matter how short, opens your eyes to the world...Here are my stories...