These are the tales of some real travels and some that can't really be considered real. The ones that can't really be considered real are the layovers I've had working as a flight attendant. I know that I've been to those places and have had experiences there, but it almost feels more like dream sequences than real life. I've been interested in 'the world out there' since I was a small child. My mother made me realize that 'different' was interesting and everything 'foreign' has intrigued me ever since. At the age of 14 I had my first experience as a world traveler when I went to Osaka, Japan for 2 months to be a nanny. My travels this past year have been much different than that, but every travel, no matter how short, opens your eyes to the world...Here are my stories...
Tales of the Expat Harem, Anastasia Ashman, Jennifer Eaton Gokmen
Fun Times on the Job
777 Engine
My Top Flight Attendant Pet Peeves
1. Being Poked (why is it that passengers forget how to speak and use manners?).
2. When someone wants to go to the bathroom when I'm out in the aisle with a cart and they inch along behind me breathing down my neck!! (Is it so hard to wait in your seat? Or, how about walking a least a foot away from me?).
3. Not saying "please" or "thank you." Seriously, does anyone say this anymore? When people actually do I feel like hugging them and telling them they've restored some dignity to the world. :)
4. When people don't tell me how they want their drink. I know the women in my family are pretty intuitive, but i'm not psychic!
5. When people treat me like a walking garbage can...Can you at least ask me if I'd kindly throw away your garbage instead of just thrusting it at me without a word?
Best Things About Being a Flight Attendant
1. Why, the travel benefits of course!
2. Meeting new people.
3. Always being surprised by something (can be a bad thing too ;)).
4. Getting to know a foreign city little by little (trip by trip).
5. One day this will be a flexible enough job so that I can work on my business as much as I want and fly as little as I want!
6. Going on trips with my family, or to visit family. (i.e. Portugal with Mom or visiting Heather in Frankfurt).
7. Even though I mainly deal with people's crap all the time, somehow there is still some kind of glamour in being a flight attendant.
Nazar Değmesin
1. look; glance. 2. the evil eye. 3. opinion: nazarımda in my opinion.
nazara almak /ı/ to take (something, someone) into account, take (something, someone) into consideration.
nazarıyla bakmak /a/ to regard (something, someone) as.
nazar boncuğu blue bead (worn to ward off the evil eye).
nazar değmek /a/ for the evil eye to strike (someone)/cause (someone) misfortune.
nazar değmesin. colloq. May misfortune not befall him/it!
nazarı dikkate almak /ı/ to pay attention to; to take (someone, something) into consideration.
nazarı dikkatini çekmek /ın/ to attract (someone´s) attention.
nazardan düşmek to fall from favor.
nazara gelmek to be struck by the evil eye.
nazarı itibara almak /ı/ to regard (someone, something) as important.